When Imam Hasan al-'Askari (a.s.) died, the office of Divine Leadership (Imamate) was transferred to the Last Luminous Pearl of the Household of the Holy Prophet, Imam al-Mahdi (a.s.). Although His Eminence did not appear amongst the people, some persons in whom he had trust and confidence were allowed to visit him and present him the problems and questions of the Shi'ites. And they communicated to the people the guidance and commands of the Divine Luminous Light.
From the point of view faith, confidence and virtue, these were distinguished persons among the Muslims who were mediators between the Imam and the people. And in due time they conveyed the guidance of His Eminence to the people.
By studying the degree of the character and perception of the belief and piety of these individuals, not only does the greatness of their personalities become clear to us, but we become more familiar with the Imam of the Age, because, among the sayings of these distinguished, trustworthy and reliable companions of the Holy Imams, one finds the signs of the greatness of His Eminence (Imam al-Mahdi - a.s.).
Among the companions of Imam-e Zaman, four became his most famous and confidential deputies who acted as mediators between the Imam and the people, and they are known as the Nawwab al-arba 'ah (the four deputies).
In order to know more about the dignity and greatness of their positions, we give below a brief description of each one of them:
1) 'Uthman ibn Sa'id 'Umari:
This honorable figure was not only a deputy (na 'ib) of Imam-e Zaman but he was also a representative (wakil) of Imam Hasan al-'Askari (a.s.) and Imam 'Ali an-Naqi (a.s.). He settled and organized many affairs of the Shi'ites. The Tenth Imam (al-Hadi -a.s.) said to his followers regarding him.
"This Abu 'Umari is a reliable and trustworthy person. Whatever he says to you he says so on my behalf, and whatever he does he does on my behalf.34
This representation continued till 254 A.H. when Imam al-Hadi (a.s.) died. Then, the Eleventh Imam is reported to have praised the character of Abu 'Umari as having his high esteem in his address to his Shi'ites, saying:
"This Abu 'Umari is a reliable and trustworthy person. He had the confidence of the preceding Imam, and has also my confidence in my lifetime and after my death. Whatever he says to you he says so on my behalf, and whatever he does he does on my behalf." 35
Likewise, with this certificate of admiration, he became the deputy (Na'ibu 'l-Imam) of the Twelfth Imam after the demise of Imam Hasan ai-'Askari (a.s.).On the death of Abu 'Umari, the Lord of the Age (Sahibu 'z-Zaman) himself sent condolences to his son, Muhammad ibn 'Uthman saying:
"Verily, we belong to Allah and verily to Him shall we return. We submit to His command and are pleased with His decree. Your father has lived in good fortune and has died with dignity. May Allah's mercy be upon him, he has joined his friends and masters. He was always endeavoring to search for whatever would bring him near to Allah and His friends. May Allah make strengthen his countenance. 36
2) Abu Ja'far Muhammad ibn 'Uthman:
This man was the second special deputy of Imam-e Zaman. He was also a deputy of the Eleventh Imam, about whom the latter said:
"The greatness of his dignity and the exaltation of his status among the Shi'ites is so famous that there is no need to explain or dispute it 37
Regarding him and his father, Uthman ibn Said, Imam Hasan Al Askari (a.s.)
said to one of his companions:
Umar and his son are both trustworthy. Whatever they do they do on my behalf, and whatever they say to you, they say so on my behalf. Therefore, listen to their words and obey them, because both of them are reliable and trustworthy to us 38
And Imam-e Zaman himself said about him:
"He is my confidant, and his letter is of the same status as mine.39
3) Abul-Qasim Husayn ibn Ruh Nawbakhti:
Abu Ja'far Muhammad ibn 'Uthman, the third deputy of Imam-e Zaman, said about him:
This Husayn ibn Ruh ibn Abu Bahr Nawbakhti is my successor. He is a reliable and trustworthy envoy and deputy between you and the Sahibul-Amr (the Master of the Authority). Therefore, in your affairs and important tasks refer to him and trust him. I was given this task; and I have announced it.40
Shaykh Tusi ( may Allah's mercy be upon him) said about him:
"Abu'l-Qasim Husayn ibn Ruh was regarded by his friends and opponents as the most learned man among the people. 41
The integrity of Husayn ibn Ruh's deputyship was acknowledged by his opponents too. Shalmaghani, who was one of the pseudo-claimants to the deputy ship, had to confess his falsity when Imam-e Zaman ordered Husayn ibn Ruh to expose him. He (Shalmaghani) said:
"It is not right between me and Allah to say anything in the affair of Husayn ibn Ruh other than the truth. Although his crime towards me is a big one, yet this man was appointed by Imam-e Zaman for the task. The Shi'ites should not turn away from him.42
4) Abul-Hasan 'Ali ibn Muhammad Simmari :
This honourable figure was the last special deputy (Na'ibu 'l-khass) of the Holy Imam-e Zaman. His death, coincided with the 15th of Sha'ban 329 A.H. Husayn ibn Ruh introduced him as the deputy of the Imam. The last letter of Imam-e Zaman (the Lord of the Age) to the four special deputies was addressed to this honorable man. In this order the Imam announced the death of 'Ali ibn Muhammad and the end of the deputation:
"In the name of Allah, the Benefecient, the Merciful. You are going to die in six days, may Allah grant patience to your brothers in faith on your departure. So, be prepared, but appoint no one in your place, because from the day of your death the period of my major occultation (ghaybat-e-kubra) will begin. Henceforth, no one will see me, unless and until Allah makes me appear. My reappearnce will take place after a very long time when people will have grown tired of waiting and those who are weak in their faith will say: 'What! Is he still alive?' When men will become cruel and inconsiderate, and the world will be full of injustice and violence. Very soon some men will claim to have seen me. Beware! Anyone who makes such a claim before the coming out of Sufyani and the sound from heaven announcing my reappearance, is a liar and an impostor. There is no might nor strength except in Allah, the Magnificent." 43
As can be seen from this, it is the last order, in which the door of special deputation is closed by the death of 'All ibn Muhammad; hence, anyone who claims to be a mediator, or claims that the Imam can be seen, is a liar. In the period of the major occultation no one has made the claim that he has been in the presence of the Holy Imam-e Zaman.
The people would not accept the deputation of the four special deputies unless they had been shown the miracles of the Sahibul-Amr to verify their truthfulness and accuracy, although they acknowledged them as reliable and trustworthy and had not the smallest doubt in their piety, faith and knowledge.44
The special deputies presented to Imam-e Zaman the problems and questions of the Shi'ite scholars, and he answered the ones that were necessary in letter format and delivered them through the same deputies.
In these letters, the most important and difficult problems on different subjects of Shi'ite beliefs were cleared up.
One of these problems was a question as to what would be the responsibility of the Shi'ites who would be faced with new events during the period of occultation, and what should they do to face them?
In the letter issued by Imam - e Zaman to the celebrated and distinguished Shi'ite Is'haq ibn Ya'qub he recounted duties, methods and guidance for the Shi'ites in the period of occultation. This direction was carried out for many centuries, and it is one of the proofs of the comprehensiveness and eternity of Islamic rule.
In one of the letters to Imam-e Zaman which he sent through the second special deputy of the Imam, Is'haq ibn Ya'qub asked him some different questions, among which was a question which is the subject of our discussion. The Imam said that in those affairs one must refer to those this period of test, till by the order of Almighty who really understands their (Imams') sayings and have truly related them:
"But as for the problems which will occur in the future, you should refer to the narrators of our traditions for their verdicts as they are my proofs to you, and I am Allah's Proof (Hujjatu'llah) to them. 45
Other letters of His Eminence (Imam al-Mahdi - a.s.) were issued during the minor occultation (ghaybatu 's-sughra), each one of them solved difficulties and gave instruction in the boundless sea of wisdom. All these letters were conveyed through the Holy Imam's special deputy to the desirous seekers.
Yes, the four deputies, who were at the highest level of faith and confidence for many years, were the blessed mediators between the Imam and the people till in the year 329 A. H.. When this deputation was closed, and on the basis of the Divine Will the major occultation of Imarn-e Zaman commenced. This was the very occultation which was prophesied a long time previously by the Holy Prophet and the Shiite Imams; and Muslims keep patient in this period of test, till by the order of Almighty Allah, the Awaited Imam will reappear and the Divine Aim will reach its fulfilment
What a plerause to meet someone who thinks so clearly
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Thanks for sharing. What a pleasure to read!
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God help me, I put aside a whole afternoon to figure this out.
Well put, sir, well put. I'll certainly make note of that.
ޘ든시간ì´겠지만 작가님ì„ ì‘ì›Â՘고지지՘고있는 아ì´들과 엄마, 아빠들ì´ 있으니 ޘ내시와요~Ù”ì´Ì…입니당!!
I literally jumped out of my chair and danced after reading this!
matsuã•ã‚“ãŒå†ã³ãƒã‚°ã‚¤ãƒ³ã§ããªã„ã¨ã®ã“ã¨ã§ã™ã®ã§、ã¨ã‚Šã‚ãˆãšä»£ç†ã§æŠ•ç¨¿ã—ã¾ã™。ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー島産略抄è‰æœ¨æ²™çŸ³ãƒ‹ãƒäººå‚葉、■■ニ似ã¦、「ノコギレ細ク、壓花(ココメãƒãƒŠ)ノ如ク、色黄ニシテ、味甘辛ナリト云。 ○笑é¨èŠ±(ココメãƒãƒŠ)(ãƒã‚»ã‚µã‚¯ãƒ©)æ ´æª€æœ¨ 朱檀、黒檀共ã«ã‚¢ãƒª。実形ãƒ■åノ如ニシテ白色。 ○çƒæœ¨(コクタン)タイダラ ãƒãƒ³ãƒŽæœ¨ãƒŽå¦‚ク、åˆæ¨Ÿæœ¨ãƒ‹ä¼¼ã‚¿ãƒª。ç±³å辺、往々æ¤æœ¨ã‚¢ãƒªãƒˆäº‘リ。 ○タイタラ オホタラã‹。オホタラ、æ¼¢å■■ãƒãƒªã‚リ 黄■(■木)(ã‚ãƒãƒ€) 山茶(ツãƒã‚) æ ‚(トガ) 槻(ツã‚) 大竹 マノ竹■骨(ヒイラã‚) 葉ãƒ、機樹葉ノ如シ。木色赤シテ、葉先手ニタツ。本邦ノ榧ニ似リ。 ○■骨 一å、å大功労葉。政精按ルニ、é›çš®çŒªè‰ãƒŽé¡žãƒˆäº‘モノ、イクサ漢å燈心è‰ãƒˆäº‘ルãƒéžãƒŠãƒª。猪è‰ãƒæ¢¶ãƒŽé¡žãƒ‹ãƒ†、æ°´è‰ãƒ‹ã‚¢ãƒ©ã‚¹。é›çš®ãƒä¸‰ãƒ„猪ト云モノ也。(注:ã“ã®æ³¨é‡ˆã¯「é›çš®」ã®ã‚‚ã®。ä½ç½®ãŒãšã‚Œã¦ã„ã‚‹。ã“ã®「政精」ã¯、誰?)æ¡é›çš® 猪è‰(ヰクサ)ã®é¡ž。之ヲ以テå”紙ヲ製ス。åˆ、和紙ニモé›çš®ç´™ãƒŠãƒ«è€…アリ。 ○イクサ、æ¼¢å ■心è‰è’œ 葉ãƒçŽ‹ç°ªèŠ±ãƒŽå¦‚ã‚·。 ○大蒜(ニンニク) å°è’œ(コビラ)(注:コビルã‹)■冬(フã‚) ■■(ミャウカ) 上常帰 ■æ´»(ウト) 百åˆ(ユリ) 牛房■(ヨク) カシノ類、å曰万æ³。 ○本è‰、所謂■ã¯、冬é’ニシテ、モケノã‚万年æžãƒˆäº‘モ、冬é’ãƒ■åナリ。(注:「モケノã‚」ã¯「モãƒãƒŽã‚」ã‹)芙蓉 胡■å(コリミ) 苺(イãƒã‚´) 虎æ–(イタトリ)辰沙岩緑é’ニ髣髴タル者。 ○イãƒãƒã‚¯ã‚»ã‚¦。æ¼¢å、ç·‘é’。一å、石緑、大緑。ç‰ãƒ、先其大略ナリ。橕夫(センドウ)、æ¼è€…(レウシ)ノ賎民ç‰、物産ノå¦ãƒ‹ä¸æ˜ŽãƒŠãƒ¬ãƒ、其未知サル所、多ã‚ãƒå›ºãƒˆãƒ¨ãƒªåˆ†ã‚¿ãƒ«æ‰€ãƒŠãƒª。然而、樹木元ヨリç¹èŒ‚、山林甚タ深é ナレãƒ、今、一个ノ有è˜è€…ヲé£ãƒ†、å†ã之ヲ探索セãƒ、異木奇è‰ãƒ¢åˆå¯¡ã‚·ãƒˆã‚»ã‚¹。深ク嘆æ¯ã‚¹ãƒ˜ã‚所ナリ。é³¥ç£éšé¡žãƒ‹ãƒçŒ«、é¼ 、告天å(ヒãƒãƒª)天■(ヒãƒãƒª)ç©´é³¥(アナトリ)毎æœä¸ƒæ™‚、人比何方ヘカ飛去リ、日暮酉時ヨリ戌時マテニ帰リ棲ム。若シ人、夜ä¸ãƒ‹å…¶ç©´ãƒ²æ±‚メテ之ヲ探レãƒç²ãƒ«ã‚³ãƒˆã‚¢ãƒª。其色ç°ç™½ãƒ‹ã‚·ãƒ†、宛モ大鳥ニ似タリ。肢毛モ白ト云リ。橕夫ç‰、åツケテ穴鳥ト云。未漢åヲ審ニセス。■(ヒヨトリ) 白■é³¥(ヒヨトリ) 河原ヒワ(金■雀(カワラヒワ)å››å雀 白■é³¥(シジウカラ) é´Ž  鵜(ウ)■■ ナãƒã‚³ 燕鷲 ■ 角鷹(クマタカ) èš« 石■明(ã‚¢ãƒãƒ“) 「三åƒéš ○■眼(ノジコ)å››å雀ãƒ、白■é³¥(ホウジãƒ)ヨリ少サクシテ、åŒé¡žåˆ¥ç¨®ãƒŽç™½■é³¥。我邦ニ■白トモ。雄雌並éŠãƒ•ãƒ¢ãƒŽ、之四å雀ト云ãƒ、群集スルコト多ナリ。ä¾ãƒ†å·ã‚¯ãƒ«ãƒ¢ãƒŽã‚«。æµ·é©¢(トド)或人、予ニ謂テ曰ã、è‚¥å‰・平戸・五島辺ã®æ»„海ニ「マレブイ」ト云フ者、æ¤ãƒŽæµ·é©¢ãƒŽé¡žãƒŠãƒ©ãƒ³。其ノ大サ、å°çŠ¬ãƒŽå¦‚ã、é¢ãƒ■éš(ナマズ)ノ如ク、極メテ多脂ニシテ、白色質ãƒè‹ãƒ‹ä¼¼ã‚¿。(注:「似タリ」ã‹)若シ人之レヲ猟シ、釜ä¸ãƒ‹å…¥ãƒ¬、æ°´ãƒ²åŠ ãƒ˜ãƒ†ç…®ãƒ«ãƒˆã‚ãƒ、油気沸騰シテ上é¢ãƒ‹æµ®ãƒ•。之ヲå–ãƒªæ›´ãƒ‹æ°´ãƒ²åŠ ãƒ˜ãƒ†ç…®ãƒ«ãƒˆã‚ãƒå¾©ã‚¿å§‹ãƒ¡ãƒŽå¦‚ク、幾回モ尽ルノ期ナシ。是ヲ以テ、若シæ¼äºº(リャウシ)之レヲ猟セãƒå¤§ãƒ‹æ²¹ãƒ²å¾—ルノ利アルヲ以テ、å±…æ’(ツãƒ)ニ是ヲ猟セント欲スレトモ、嗅覚固ヨリæ•é‹ãƒŠãƒ«è€…ナレãƒ、若シ人、風上ニ在レãƒ、忽ãƒæ°´ä¸ãƒ‹æ½œåŒ¿ã‚¹。或ãƒ、海上風波ナã‚トã‚ãƒ、出テç¤å²©ä¸Šãƒ‹ãƒ†çœ テ醒サルコトアリ。然ルトã‚ãƒé¢¨ä¸‹ãƒ¨ãƒªè¿‘ヅã‚、■ニテè¡ã‚、ç²ãƒ«ãƒˆäº‘ヘリ。ç‰ãƒŠãƒª。å³ãƒŽä¸、特ニ人å‚、èš«、海驢ノ三å“、最多シ。ç±³åヨリ渡島ノ人、æ¤ä¸‰å“ノ外ãƒ、多クãƒæºãƒ˜å¸°ãƒ©ã‚¹ãƒˆäº‘ヘリ。以上ノ産物ãƒ、元禄å…å¹´、渡島ノ人é¢ã‚¿ãƒªè¦‹ãƒ«æ‰€ãƒ²æŽ²ã‚±ãƒ†、ç±³åノ市人、大谷・æ‘å·ãƒŽä¸¡æ°ãƒ¨ãƒªæ±Ÿæˆ¸å®˜äººãƒ‹å‘ˆã‚¹ãƒ«æ‰€ãƒŽæ›¸ãƒ²ä»¥ãƒ†è¨¼ãƒˆã‚»ãƒªãƒ¼ãƒ¼ãƒ¼ãƒ¼ãƒ¼ãƒ¼ãƒ¼ãƒ¼ãƒ¼ãƒ¼ãƒ¼ãƒ¼ãƒ¼ãƒ¼ãƒ¼ãƒ¼ãƒ¼ãƒ¼
, I'm so happy you liked it, and compliments on your pretty interpretation of this dish! It's always interesting to see how one single dish turns out under the hands of different cooks :)PS: Kenny, you are my star too!!!
GS n’est pas morte, loin de la. En effet Blankfield et ses équipes sont en embuscades prêts a faire gonfler la prochaine bulle. La taxe carbone est le parfait exemple. GS est déjà sur le coup depuis de nombreuse années grâce à ses entrées au gouvernement US (républicains comme démocrates).La finance internationale a perdu toute morale, tous liens avec l’économie réel.Sans régulations de la finance nous nous dirigeons vers une dictature totale des marchés.
dit :Ha oui, pas sympa pour Mamzelle de tomber face à la surveillante. Je comprends son affolement !Et en même temps… c’est vrai que ça me ferait rire maintenant. xD Voilà !
Thanks, James. As the understanding of 2nd person singular pronoun in liturgical usage is disputed, and its use has left contemporary English, we might (along with other English grammar losses & lessening) be sad about its passing, but this is IMO the only way to write contemporary liturgical language. If you are saying that “O God” parallels the 2nd person singular in the case of the address then I fear you are weakening your advocating for it. I think, however, your good points mean I will add it as an option (along with a more expanded address) in the final bringing together of the year’s reworked collects. Blessings.
minulla viimekesäisen sitruunavärjäyksen tulokset näkyvät hiuksissa edelleen. En sitten tiedä, miten yksilöllisestä asiasta on kysymys. (Olen siis se sama vaaleanruskeatukkainen anonyymi, joka aiemminkin sitruunaa kommentoi.)
Me and this article, sitting in a tree, L-E-A-R-N-I-N-G!
You are so awesome for helping me solve this mystery.
A pleasingly rational answer. Good to hear from you.
Wait, I cannot fathom it being so straightforward.
You're on top of the game. Thanks for sharing.
That's not even 10 minutes well spent!
Haha, shouldn't you be charging for that kind of knowledge?!
خليل قال:ههههههههههههههههو الله معاك بس تعر٠الأيÙÂونيين مصابين بــ ÙÂوبيا سامسونج و غوغللهذا اعذرهم على ØÂماسهم لÙÂوز ØÂبيبتهم آبل و كأنهم راؠياخذون شيء من المليار دولار !!!
Ciao Massimo e David,che piacere a seguirvi nel viaggio, l’ho fatto tutto d’un fiato oggi pomeriggio. Ho saputo solo 2 giorni fa della vostra avventura. Che bravi, complimenti !!!Un abbraccio per tutti e 4, ma quando tornate ?
Good for you for entering your quilt in a show! So many people think their quilt must be perfect to enter. I've entered a few (in US) so that can't be true :)It is fun to share your work with others!